
Posts tagged online marketing
Authenticity in Advertising?


It is a word that has been thrown a lot lately because, in this day and age of carefully curated profiles, it's rare for any brand (or people) to showcase full honesty.

This is why a lot of companies who position themselves as ambassadors of radical transparency and ethical business often succeed - because if you are a company that cares, your customer will respect you, even if it means paying a little more.

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How We Achieved a ROAS of 13 on Facebook

Return of Advertising Spend (ROAS) is a very important metric of success when it comes to any form of advertising. It is calculated by dividing the total revenue generated by your ads with the amount you spent on advertising.

Simply put, the campaign that I developed for an e-commerce brand generated a ROAS of 13, meaning for every $1 they spend on advertising, the return they receive is $13. So, if they spend $10, the return is $130 and so on.

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