

Haverdale is one of Miles’ first clients after she said goodbye to the corporate world. She met one of the partners in the train. As bad as it sounds, Miles was snooping around their conversation regarding digital marketing and the partner was questioning how effective landing pages are. Now, Miles normally does not jump in on conversations. In fact, she is known to be an introvert and prefers to keep to herself. However, since digital marketing is a topic that she’s passionate about, joined the conversation and gave her point of view. A week after, they signed with her to create a Facebook campaign that will generate awareness and sales for the launch of Haverdale.

Haverdale is a hybrid of a dress coat with the warmth of a ski jacket, perfect for working professionals in cities that experience below freezing weather. Miles’ created a hyper-targeted campaign that was served to urban cities across the US that has harsh winter conditions. The campaign which ran for 4 months, resulted in an overall return on advertising spend of 3 ($1 advertising budget = $3 revenue) – a result desired by startups who are just introducing their products to the world.


We just recently launched our the 2018 campaign and here are the results of our first month. Over 200 jackets sold! Hoping to keep this upward trend for the rest of the season!

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